This cat needs out of the bag.
And although traditionally these things are announced in verse (worst, terse?)
My brains have all been siphoned away (caloo, calay.)
by my polyglot toddler (waddler, swaddler.)
So I'll have to just spit it out (shout, pout):
Now we're three (me, he, and she)
But soon we'll be four! (more poor galore encore!)
There'll be a new kid (I know what you did...)
In the beginning of March! (uhhh... tarch, larch, parch, uuugh, who invented this tradition anyway. dang poems, rigga smigga.)
WHA!?! YAY!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPIES.....and yeah HEY HEY HEY.....love your darling poem....and silly me....had to read it REAL CLOSELY with the AHEM....email note...."cat in the bag"....you are way too cleaver....aloha, mama Irene
Whoo Hoo! Congratulations! I hope the feeling green phase is over! Nothing more exciting than a wanted baby!
Yahoo! Congrats and hope the sight of mustard is more pleasing to you this time around. :)
Congratulations! So, so, so happy there's going to be another wonderful and beautiful member of your family on this earth. Makes the world a better place! Miss you!
Andrew and I are very happy for you three, we are glad Rosie Jo will have a new sibling!
really cute way to announce! We can't wait for this new Stevenson to arrive. :)
Nice job! (on the poem and on the mandarin orange in your tummy.) We can't wait to meet her! (YES, HER! I still think she's a girl.) But oooh, as soon as I typed it, I thought, oh no! what if he's a boy and 12 years down the line finds this post and calls me up to say I'm no longer his favorite aunt because I guessed wrong when he was in the womb! ...no... I still think she's a girl.
love you beek!
Congrats on the kid AND the poem. Which one was harder to come by? I only have two kids because I couldn't take the pressure of writing another poem!
The kidlettes have decided you should call her or him Sparkles or Rookie. Just think about it.
Hooray! I'm so glad to hear it! The jury's still out for us on how this family of four is turning out for us, but that probably has something to do with extreme fatigue and sore private parts (that aren't actually that private lately). Most of all though we're glad we're going to have company in the endeavor.
congrats!!! can't wait to see what this baby looks like!
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