Someone very nice sent us this tent. If it was you, thanks! RJ has moved out of her room and into the tent permanently. It doubles as a puppet theater. Here, Rosie is rapt as Matt performs Joseph Smith's First Vision with Sharks and Hamlet with Sharks.
Maile may be a spelunker in her future-- she loves wedging herself under small things.
And... true bff love-- the two little blondies.
Princesses scrub floors. Everyone knows that.
Potty party!
Rosie drew Daddy's favorite-- a sunflower.
Rosie found capes for all of us and we were transformed into superheroes.
The babies watching Blues Clues. Maile dances along with the theme song: "sit down in your thinking chair and think, think, thiiiiiiiink."
Really, is there anything funnier than oversized accessories on small babies?
1 comment:
That superhero picture should be framed! :)
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