This was an Easter year-- we went to two Easter egg hunts, and Rosie realized that there is chocolate in them there plastic eggs. When Matt handed her one and said, "crack it open!" she considered it, and then went "knock knock!" with it on the table corner. Good girl, knows how to open up eggs! The rest of them she just threw at the ground as hard as she could and the chocolate exploded out very nicely. After the excesses of this Easter we are on a chocolate purge.
The E---s hosted a very classy Easter dinner, with this smashing (not literally) tea party set up for the kidlets. Yes, Saimin is a traditional Easter food. Why?


Easter afternoon nap, showcasing Matt's newly shorn chin.

The bunnies! She had to wear those bunnies in the three day window they'll fit! She's already growing out of her NB clothes!

Maile was an Easter froglet. Here she is working her magic on auntie K.

Easter rainstorm trampoline jumping! Yessss!

And a continuation of my family's quirky Easter tradition: fruits and veg from the Easter Bunny. This went over better with some kids than with others.

Happy Easter!
veggies this easter, and they loved the conspiracy of hiding the kiwis and pokey-melons and baby pineapples around the cabin.
Baby M is so yummy! Can't wait to see her! June/July is the goal.
veggies this easter, and they loved the conspiracy of hiding the kiwis and pokey-melons and baby pineapples around the cabin.
Baby M is so yummy! Can't wait to see her! June/July is the goal.
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