Just try and figure out how this cat is all tied up...

A lovely day for a bike ride!

And... PIPERS!!!!! From Oahu! In a guy's garage!

It made our ears bleed.

Not impressed with the Scottish victuals or the blasting "trumpets" as Rosie called them.

Thanks to a generous invitation from Alii String Quartet, I got to go and sing some Robbie Burns (and other classic Celtic) tunes at a fanshy shmanshy Burns dinner... and Matt got to get all dressed up and look awfully dapper.

I tried but I just looked enormous. Here I'm trying to think "Liz" but I'm afraid the overall impression was "Moby Dick."

I love the pipers in the palm trees.

And the not-totally pleasing combination of hula and bagpipe chorus.

But it was a gorgeous night, a beautiful setting, and it was SO FUN to play music. It had me-- ack-- feeling nostalgic for Fiddlesticks! Heaven forbid.
LOVE, LOVE, TRIPLE LOVE!!! (And I think you look gorgeous...so there! :P)
Robbie Burns, with hula. Love it! I'm glad you got to play and sing a bit. I miss performing. It was a little escape for my otherwise introverted shy self....!
Maybe I should accept that Timpanogos Storytelling festival invitation (we'd get free tickets!)
Hula and Robbie, oh--wow.
And you've got the "Liz" look with perfect chin tilt down.
Ach! I can't wait to see you!
Although, free tickets, can't really argue with that...
hm. Can anyone define "selling out" for me???
It's not selling out. It's just setting your LED tuner on a candlestick, instead of under a bushel. And getting paid for it. Besides, we've got lots of CDs to unload still.
By the way, I love your new sunset picture. Let's do the storytelling festival in Kauai instead!
I just cracked up thinking of bagpipes and hula. good grief. no one learning those fast step Scot dances with the swords on the ground?
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