In keeping with long-standing Davis family tradition, we smashed our graham-cracker gingerbread house to smithereens to welcome in the new year. We did it at noon rather than midnight, and it was just a gingerbread shack compared to the architectural wonders we've seen in the past-- Falling Waters, the Taj Mahal, a 4 storey pagoda, and the Mormon Tabernacle come to mind. But Rosie and her dear friends M and M had a great time with wooden spoons and rakes, and the chickens had a great time tidying up afterwards.

A sad face for the destroyed gingerbread house.

The real party was later at Uncle Bobo's-- mountains and mountains of food. Every kind of local-style-Japanese food: sushi rolls and the colorful pressed fish cakes, cut like sculpey into lovely rounds, sweetened mochi with peanut butter or an (the sweet adzuki bean paste)-- then gingery steamed fish with chinese vegetables, fried chicken, and our haole contribution of homemade bread. The best part of New Years in Hawaii is the fireworks-- Rosie did not appreciate. Last year she was so disturbed by the noise she fell into an instant and deep coma any time one went off. It was hilarious and alarming: BOOM! And she was limp, breathing deeply, eyes closed. This year she stayed conscious but did not enjoy it at all. All the next day she wanted to hear the story of how Auntie Katie used to be scared of fire crackers in Holland.

And here's our family tradition-- Hatsu-hi-no-de-- the first sunrise of the new year. Not too photogenic for the people, but really lovely for the scenery...

Rosie drew her own sun in the sand. "He's sliding up, just like the real one!"

Happy New Year! I saw this on a church marquee today: May your troubles last as long as your New Year's Resolutions!
Art can be shocking. Really.
New Years on the beach-- love it!
P.S. You guys were in my dream last night!
YAY! Happy New Years!
Love it! What a great new year's tradition. For the new millennium our family went to the shores of Utah Lake at sunrise and released balloons with our new years wishes on them...
but it was cold. Hawaiian sunrises are much more enticing.
I'm running out of patience with the inversion and the cold here. Your Hawaiian landscape is terribly enticing on days such as these...
Akemashite omedetou! I used to love how our Chinese neighbors would buy two long strands of fireworks with the huge "bomb" at the top. The first was used to time how long it took for the strand to reach the top and the second was lit in hopes that the BOOM! would go off just at midnight. To the left us us was the Chun family and to the right was the Lees. Needless to say, we did NOT sleep on New Years! :)
I was going to type something all infuriated that you wrote about mochi and sushi to contrast with the Giant Hershey Bar from space and then I read Mikilani's comment about fireworks on New Year's.
Am very much still homesick.
Hey! Do you guys need any help this summer with new little one? Could tell you all about more than one kid parenting...
Kidding, totally kidding.
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