So we went to Oahu for the weekend, so Matt could support the Kauai 4-h kids. Here, grandma Betty style, are the things that were great and that I will choose to remember, in no particular order:
1. Seeing the cute 4-h animals-- the big mellow piggies and the short-shorn lambs, and the big hefty steers, and the undersized and over-loud fancy show chickens, plus a couple of goats and a rabbit and a zillion teeny fuzzy baby chicks.
2. the bishop museum and its dusty and mildewy collection of polynesian miscellany, with lots of odd spelling and grammar errors in the information, and a Japanese language hula lesson, and the enormous Robo-Bugs exhibit. After just reading "Amusing Ourselves to Death" those bugs seemed like a perfect example of something that looks educational but just isn't. They were just big, gross, scary robot bugs. Rosie kept wanting to go in and see them, but as soon as we were there, she squealed and cried and wanted "UP!!!" So we'd escape outside and she'd immediately say, "more robot bugs?" Sheesh! Little thrill seeker...
3. Ala Moana! Yes, we're country mice. The fancy mall with all the fancy stores and kid-friendly play areas and Japanese department stores-- very fun. Plus eavesdropping on all the Japanese tourists-- we don't get any over here. And Ala Moana-- I mean, they accept Yen in the food court. It's basically Japan. A little kid saw what Rosie was playing with in one store, and asked, in Japanese-- Isn't there another one? He was totally unimpressed when we answered him-- well, let's look where it came from. Oh, I guess that's the only one. How about we share it? Fun.
4. Riding the bus! Actually this was the best and the worst part of the trip. Best because, public transport is cool, in a kind of grundgy budget urban way, and worst because this is Rosie on the bus: "MOMMY! STOP PUNCHING ME! STOOOOP HURTING ME! OW OW OW! DON'T STEAL MY CLOTHES! DON'T HIT ME!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

5. The children's discovery museum! We spent a whole day there-- taking brief goldfish-and-fig-newton breaks outside-- and it was AWESOME. Rosie's favorite was the giant mouth you can jump around in, and the Japan house, where she got to pick up little plastic sushis with chopsticks, and say, "Itadakimaaaasu!" and "Wa! Oishi! Ooooishiii!"
6. Going to Chinatown with a coworker of Matt's who took us out for an extravagant Dim Sum breakfast and then around the markets, with the fresh (still thrashing) fish and meat-- every part imaginable, pigs being slaughtered in full view of the street, effluent running under the vegetable stands-- an impossible variety of greens...
7. The Pagoda Hotel! Aw, it's such an institution. Kinda divey, but. And the funny Pagoda breakfast buffet in the "floating restaurant" with all the enormously overfed carp swimming around. We loved the bathtub in our room! I think Rosie took about 4 baths a day. And we got to watch Kiku Terebi. Look, simple pleasures.
8. The mercifully short trip home! You've gotta love getting to the airport, getting on the plane, drinking your guava juice, and then landing. And plus flying in and seeing some of those remote and beautiful parts of Kauai that are invisible any other way... So it was a fun short trip-- Matt worked hard with the 4-H club all weekend, and now we're all very glad to be home.
Here's Rosie dressed up as a Mama panda in the China house of the children's discovery museum...

#1. 4-h rules.
#2. THE BISHOP MUSEUMMMMMMM! AWWWW! Do they still have the big humpback whale floating daunting, and dusty above everyone? Oh man. I miss that place.
#3. Okay. I can still sing the little Ala Moana jingle. Sad? "Ala Moana, Hawaii....We're gonna do it for you!"
Every fourth of July watching the fireworks, all the kids would sing out. "Ooooooo! Ahhhhh! Eeeeeee! Ala Moooaaannnaaaa!"
How COOL that you got to converse in Japanese as if it were the most natural thing to do.
#4. Oh no! :( Gahh! And don't you wish you could whip out a magic wand and suddenly transform that moment into one of rosie's deep insightful funny charming quotes, and wow the rest of the passangers on the bus? "We DON'T beat our child! We LOVE her! And see? She's LOVELY and BRILLIANT"
SO IT'S DECIDED! I'm coming. I HAVE TO! I miss you too much, and I have to help Rosie gather plumeria, and drink guava juice and throw pots on the beach.
I want to come too! Omigoodness I miss you and ze famileeee. We're packing our house. And it's hot. But boy do we have raspberries. I tried singing "the animals on the bus" for Sam the other day. It wasn't quite the same without Rosie's hard audience. :( We're definitely going to be looking for cheap tickets to Hawaii from Korea.
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