Reiko, Honu and Hiilei in their homemade frocks for the first ever Hawaii Handcart Trek. The Stake bought 12 $4000 (yes four THOUSAND, yes TWELVE of them) handcarts and sent 120 Local teenagers up to a ranch to tromp around in the rain, pull handcarts, eat bannock and endure hardship.

The boys ready to go out on the range...

Rosie, Matt and I were support staff-- we stayed out of sight and helped with the food preparation (boxes of cabbages, hundreds of pounds of beef, towers of saltine crackers, heaps of chocolate milk-- and that was just for the helpers!) Matt ran hither and yon putting up and taking down the camp for the kids-- setting up their big tents and the flagpole and the portapotties (lest authenticity cross the line).

Then we went to Maui! Or before that, or something. We went just for one night and spent two days at the Maui county agriculture and farm fair-- we enjoyed the cute 4-H pigs and goats and sheep and cattle.

Rosie likes guava juice.

And here is my friend Karen! She's raising funds to bike 137 miles (and to get off of the island) with her cute 4 y.o. Stop by and support her (tire) "revolutions" at
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