yesterday Rosie and I biked down to the beach-- it's so close! A pleasant breezy 2 miles downhill and a sweltering 7 miles uphill.

Rosie has become a fan of slides. And spunky dresses.

Mom, why do you dress me like a hippie?
note the cool play-dough lei and "arms"-- bracelets-- that Matt crafted for her.

caught in the act

this is the outfit that Rosie insists on wearing every day.

We voted! Three cheers for our very own Hawaii born President elect!

Yaaay Obama!

The craziest farmer's market I've ever been to. The hotels tell all the tourists that it sells out so to be there right at 12-- there's a police-tape line and a guy with a bull-horn. At 12:00 the gates fly open and the tourists rush in-- knocking over old ladies and tearing the papayas off the shelves. By 12:08 they're all done and then I can go in and enjoy the bounty: pineapples, onions, breadfruit, oranges, star fruit, longan berries, mangoes, grapefruit, plantains, bananas, coconuts, okra, bok choy.... everything else you can imagine.

Tourist to farmer: Is this one ripe?
Farmer: yes.
Tourist (enunciating clearly): Um. Me No Think So. This one NO ripe!
Farmer: Um okay, if you say so.

We spent a couple of days considering buying a truck. Here's Matt being shown a truck that wouldn't start.

This girl has spider-thread fine hair. Here she is as pippy.

More cute Rosie hair...
