Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Church Campout

Here we are on the Makalii-- the double hulled Voyaging canoe. I wrote all about it here
and here

The Ah Quin Family taking a spin in their Outrigger
Honu helping Rosie Jo into the harnasses they use on the canoe

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Almost 16 months now

Here is Rosie charging into the drink-- she has no fear!Industrious engineering. Rosie is very helpful, obviously.

A rare photo of a garden sprite...

Sheer delight!

Bread in honor of Kira Day, 7/7

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Four views of Rosie Jo

Rosie Jo the gypsyRosie Jo the beach bum.
Rosie Jo in Hilo
Rosie Jo drinking water at the Zoo while signing "mommy."