Playing peekaboo behind our curtain. I mean bedroom wall. 7 month birthday-- she's crushing the bunny between those thunder thighs. Gorgeous girl. Ulu (breadfruit) and a giant green baseball bat squash. Crazy face Stevenson!
The end of the road. Endangered Nenes, on the side of the road. Standing up girl! Kilauea Iki crater at Volcanoes Park The edge of the world... or at least of the park.
Tigger Rosie in her new bouncy confinement system. Our new favorite beach! Our new house-- note our newly planted taro and abundant rosemary. And a wonderful tutu dancing at the Kohala country fair
waving bye bye to our misty horse farm view. and the geriatric broke-hip jungle cow
I love sleepy baby face. Rattling the bars on her baby-cage. Look at her standing up! The high chair. She loves that spoon. She carries it everywhere and gnaws on it. Downward dog! Rosie with 2 teeth! Roselani with a Maui Roselani from the Aloha Parade Braided Bilbo Baggins Birthday Bread. The one on the left is salted and the one on the right is drizzled in honey. We also had mushies and sausages and roasted potatoes and all manner of tasty delights.